<aside> ➡️ SHORTCUTS
Add a space in between GDPR Compliance text and submit button
Make the entire popup display smaller
Move popup close (X) button to the left
Change background color of the close (X) button
Align text to the right and set the text direction to right-to-left (Hebrew)
Increase font size of text block
Change the color, font size, and width of the timer
Change the color of specific timer counters
Change the color of timer labels
Make smart bar smaller (mobile & desktop)
Move smart bar close (X) button to the left
Smart bar - make the text move horizontally from right to left in a continuous loop
Increase the font size of the button
Change the length of the button
Make the button transparent (form + button)
Make the button transparent (2 buttons)
Change the submit button's color on hover
Add an outline to the submit button
Add an outline to the email input text field
Change the background color of a popup with a hero image
Splitting hero image and popup modal 50/50
Conversion page: Remove background image & change background color
Conversion Page: Remove hero image
Conversion Page: Remove close button
Change the radius of a popup with a hero image (both popup & hero image)
Change the radius of a popup with a hero image (both popup & hero image - Hero Padding is 0)
Change the radius of a popup with a hero image (inner popup only)
Change the radius of a popup with a hero image (hero image only)
Change the radius of the image content
Hide coupon block in the main popup
Upsell popup - adjust button height
background-color:blue !important;
.modal-hero-image {
width: 50% !important;
.modal-content {
width: 50% !important;